Your site experience is very important to us. If you have any questions, would like one-on-one site features training or would like to report a site issue please call (518) 786-1200 ext. 1520, Monday-Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm EST or email . We welcome the opportunity to share with you how our site can streamline ordering and make keeping your business system up-to-date more efficient.
*Requires Microsoft Excel 2007 or newer.
1. Click View Account in left navigation bar.
2. Click on Pricing Download in the left navigation bar.
3. Choose which lists you want to download. An example might be: Category 1 = Chemicals, Category 2 = Clearview.
4. Click Download File
1. Create a spreadsheet .xlsx file with the minimum of two columns: part number and shopping list. Part number can be either the Imperial number or a Manufacturer's Number. Shopping list column should contain the name of the shopping list. See the help file on the page for other options. You may also use the Download Lists and Pricing above to create your spreadsheet (Just delete the unnecessary columns).
2. Click on View Account in the left navigation bar.
3. Click on Import Shopping List in the left navigation bar.
4. Browse to the spreadsheet you created.
5. Click Assign Field Names and match your columns to the dropdowns.
6. Click Upload
7. Click on Create/View Job Worksheets in the left navigation bar to view your list.
1. Create a spreadsheet with two columns: partnumber and quantity. (Exactly as written or download our sample on the Upload Orders page).
2. Click on Upload Orders in the left navigation bar.
3. Browse and select your .xlsx file.
4. Click Upload.
5. Your selections will be returned giving you availability for further adjustments.
6. Click Add To Cart.
1. Click View Account in left navigation bar.
2. Click Create/View Job Worksheets.
3. Select the list you need.
4. Check the box in front of the items you want to order and adjust the quantity.
5. Click Send ITems To Cart.